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Reformer Explorations

These advanced reformer sessions focus on exploring variations of well-known exercises, offering an invigorating mix of pace and intensity that challenges both body and mind.
69 Students enrolled
  • Description

Elevate your practice with our Explorations classes, designed for those ready to push their reformer experience to the next level. These advanced sessions focus on exploring variations of well-known exercises, offering an invigorating mix of pace and intensity that challenges both body and mind.

Dive into a creative and dynamic workout as we guide you through innovative routines that incorporate the reformer in new and exciting ways.

For an added challenge, some classes will integrate dumbbells, allowing you to build even more strength and power. This unique combination encourages muscle growth and definition, ensuring you leave each session feeling empowered and accomplished.

Join our Explorations classes to unlock new possibilities in your reformer journey. Embrace the creativity, feel the intensity, and discover your body’s true potential as you master these advanced techniques. Whether you’re aiming to refine your practice or seeking a fresh challenge, these classes provide the perfect platform for exploration and growth.

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